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Version: v1.1

Get NFTs Owned by an Account

This guide will show you how to get the L2 NFTs owned by an account using the ISCAccounts.getL2NFTs function from the ISCAccounts magic contract.

Mint an NFT

Mint your first NFT following our how to mint an NFT guide.

Understanding the getL2NFTs Function

The getL2NFTs function is a view function provided by the ISCAccounts interface. It takes an ISCAgentID as an argument and returns an array of NFTID objects. This function allows users to query and retrieve the list of L2 NFTs owned by a specified agent.

ISC Agent ID

The ISCAgentID represents the identifier of the agent (user or contract) whose NFTs you want to retrieve. You can get the AgentID from the sender by calling ISC.sandbox.getSenderAccount().

The returned array contains the identifiers of the NFTs, which can then be used to fetch more details about each NFT if needed.

Implement the getL2NFTs Function

Here’s a sample implementation to retrieve L2 NFTs owned by an account:

function getOwnedNFTs(ISCAgentID memory agentID) public view returns (NFTID[] memory) {
// Call the getL2NFTs function from the ISCAccounts contract
NFTID[] memory ownedNFTs = ISC.accounts.getL2NFTs(agenID);
return ownedNFTs;

Full Example Contract

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity >=0.8.24;

import "@iota/iscmagic/ISC.sol";

contract MyNFTContract {

function getOwnedNFTs(ISCAgentID memory agentID) public view returns (NFTID[] memory) {
// Call the getL2NFTs function from the ISCAccounts contract
NFTID[] memory ownedNFTs = ISC.accounts.getL2NFTs(agenID);
return ownedNFTs;