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Returns general information about the node.


Returns general information about the node.


Successful operation.

    name stringrequired

    The name of the node.

    version stringrequired

    The semantic version of the node.

    status required

    Status of the node.

    isHealthy booleanrequired

    Tells whether the node is healthy or not.

    latestMilestone objectrequired

    Information about the latest seen milestone.

    index integerrequired

    The index of the latest seen milestone.

    timestamp integer

    The timestamp of the latest seen milestone.

    milestoneId string

    The Milestone ID of the latest seen milestone. Hex-encoded with 0x prefix.

    confirmedMilestone objectrequired

    Information about the latest confirmed milestone.

    index integerrequired

    The index of the latest confirmed milestone.

    timestamp integer

    The timestamp of the latest confirmed milestone.

    milestoneId string

    The Milestone ID of the latest confirmed milestone. Hex-encoded with 0x prefix.

    pruningIndex integerrequired

    The index of the milestone before which the tangle history is pruned.

    metrics required

    Node metrics.

    blocksPerSecond floatrequired

    The current rate of new blocks per second.

    referencedBlocksPerSecond floatrequired

    The current rate of referenced blocks per second.

    referencedRate floatrequired

    The ratio of referenced blocks in relation to new blocks of the last confirmed milestone.

    supportedProtocolVersions integer[]required

    The supported protocol versions.

    protocol required

    Protocol parameters.

    networkName stringrequired

    The Name of the network from which the networkId is derived.

    bech32Hrp stringrequired

    Tells whether the node supports mainnet or testnet addresses. Value iota indicates that the node supports mainnet addresses. Value atoi indicates that the node supports testnet addresses.

    tokenSupply stringrequired

    Current supply of base token. Plain string encoded number.

    version integerrequired

    Protocol version used by the network.

    minPowScore floatrequired

    The Proof-of-Work difficulty for a block to be sent over the network to mitigate spam.

    belowMaxDepth integerrequired

    The below max depth parameter of the network. New blocks can not reference parents that are more than belowMaxDepth old wrt the current milestone index. belowMaxDepth is the maximum allowed delta value between Oldest Cone Root Index (OCRI) of a given block in relation to the current Confirmed Milestone Index (CMI) before it gets lazy.

    rentStructure required

    The rent structure according to TIP-19.

    vByteCost integerrequired

    Defines the rent of a single virtual byte denoted in IOTA tokens.

    vByteFactorData integerrequired

    Defines the factor to be used for data only fields.

    vByteFactoKey integerrequired

    Defines the factor to be used for key/lookup generating fields.

    pendingProtocolParameters ProtocolParamsMilestoneOpt[]required

    Pending protocol parameters.

  • Array [
  • type integerrequired

    Defines the type of MilestoneOpt.

    targetMilestoneIndex integerrequired

    The milestone index at which these protocol parameters become active.

    protocolVersion integerrequired

    The to be applied protocol version.

    params stringrequired

    The protocol parameters in binary form. Hex-encoded with 0x prefix.

  • ]
  • baseToken required

    Gives info about the base token the network uses.

    name stringrequired

    The name of the base token of the network.

    tickerSymbol stringrequired

    Ticker symbol of the token to be displayed on trading platforms.

    unit stringrequired

    The primary unit of the token.

    decimals integerrequired

    Number of decimals the primary unit is divisible up to.

    subunit string

    The name of the smallest possible denomination of the primary unit. subunit * 10^decimals = unit

    useMetricPrefix booleanrequired

    Whether to use metric prefixes for displaying unit.

    features string[]required

    The features that are supported by the node. For example, a node could support the Proof-of-Work (pow) feature, which would allow the Proof-of-Work to be performed by the node itself. All features must be lowercase.

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